Brief Update on Beer Bill HB1284

Just a quick update for you all who have been following this issue on the blog here. From the Denver Business Journal: "House Bill 1284, sponsored by state Reps. Larry Liston, R-Colorado Springs, and Crisanta Duran, D-Denver, passed the House Economic and Business Development Committee on a 7-6 vote. It moves now to the House floor, where another contentious discussion is expected."

Mike Bristol wrote a letter for the Colorado Springs Independent about the bill. The post outlines Bristol's position, and it also has a well-balanced and long response that is interesting to read. Also, the Beer Drinkers Guide to Colorado wrote a pretty informative post as well that you all might want to read.

Readers of Focus on the Beer, myself included, fall on both sides of the discussion. If you haven't seen it yet, we had some really great responses to our posts on the matter. Check them out here and here.

Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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