Beer and Poetry

***Update This post was written as an April Fool's joke. I left it up without mentioning it but I can't stand it! and now I have to let you all's not real!

As most of the people who read my articles on this blog know, I'm very passionate about beer. But very few of you know that I also like to write poetry about beer. I started writing poetry in high school, and as my love of beer developed, I started incorporating beer into my daily poetry writing. Here is one poem that I've been working on this week. Any words or encouragement or comments are welcome.

IPA for a Dreary Day
by Eric Steen

As I gaze out my window

On this dark and dreary day
I can't help but wonder if there's a beer out there
That can make me happy and gay

I do enjoy a port or stout

And sometimes I like wheat
But on this particular day
An IPA would taste just great!

With notes of citrus and pine

That would be sublime
Or maybe of earth and malt
Like an English draught

No, that's a bad idea

I'm from the Cascadia
Grass citrus pine and more hops
That would be just tops!

Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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