Beer Geek Meets A Girl - video and thoughts

I'm not exactly sure who keeps making these videos but they are really funny. This one is obviously from the same people that made the Craft vs. Macro beer video. In this one a guy is talking to a girl about nano breweries. She seems a little curious, but he doesn't listen to a word she says. Instead he shows off how many brewers he knows and how he writes for a beer blog.

(This is a free-write, with not a whole lot of editing or thoughtful organization)
The video is hilarious, I think in part because I've been on the end where I try to impress people with the rare beers I've drank. I've made a serious attempt to stop doing that, to be less of a beer snob and just enjoy what I'm drinking without giving in to hype and buzz.

Sometimes it's difficult for me to remain calm about beer because I feel that I'm a part of a friend-group, with common interests and experiences. I used to do the same thing when I was really into punk rock: "Have you heard of this band." "No." "You should check them out, they're awesome."

Also, I get excited that I can discern differences between two similar beers and am able to make a decision on which one I like more. I like that I can actually physically describe the differences. I like to think about how a beer could have been made, how the slightest variations change the flavors. Yes, a lot of experimental beer is good, yes a lot of it is mediocre, yes a lot of it is not worth drinking, but I enjoy tasting these beers because they continue to ask what's possible, how can beer change? (To be fair, I'm also very much interested in beers that sit around 4%, the flavors much more subdued and quiet and the more bad-ass beers I try, the more I become interested in these other styles). But often I feel that I'm just another part of a market, spending loads of money to have the 'newest and most exciting' beers. I'm trying to find some sort of balance. I don't mind being a nerd, but I don't want to go overboard, and I certainly don't want to be a tool. I think these videos address some of the silliness of the buzz that is generated around certain beers and the people who get to drink them. I think the videos are funny but are intelligent in that they do cause me to reflect on my hobby and the decisions that I make as a consumer.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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