Cinco de Mayo Happenings

To be honest, I didn't send out any feelers around town to see what was going on for Cinco de Mayo on Thursday. But, I did check out a few websites and as far as I can tell there's only one thing happening specifically for the holiday that's craft beer related. That's a release from Trinity, but there are a few other recommendations I have in addition to Trinity. Check it out:

Trinity is releasing a new Farmhouse ale - The Saison Grito. Here's what Trinity has to say about it: Brewed in the celebration of our southern neighbor’s independence. This mexo-belgo hybrid incorporates traditional Saison brewing techniques with spices this style has never seen. The cumin, cilantro, lemon, lime, roasted big Jim Peppers, and yellow corn additions truly make this seasonal a fiesta in your mouth. 5.5% ABV. The beer sounds good to me, and I look forward to tasting it.

Speaking of good Cinco de Mayo beers, Ska Brewing recently released the Mexican Logger for the first time to audiences outside of the Durango area. I don't mean to be cheesy and suggest that we all drink Mexican style/influenced beers on this Mexican holiday, but if you're looking for an excuse and you don't make it to Trinity...the Ska beer will do the trick for sure. I've had a few of these and to be honest, I have a feeling this beer will become my summer favorite. It's light, it's crisp, and best of all when it warms up it still tastes like good beer. I've been searching for beers that are a little simpler in flavor lately and this one has won me over. Now, I haven't sat down to give a real 'judgement' and I don't know if I ever will. I just straight up enjoy it. However, there's a nice review over at the Durango beer blog, Beer at 6512. Check it out. Ska was taking a big leap with this beer and I think they nailed it.

Now, you could always head over to Rocky Mountain Brewing as well. They have Trivia every Thursday night and my bet is that there will be trivia related to the holiday. Now, as far as I know they don't have a special beer specifically related to the holiday but they do have a special beer on tap created by a gold medal winning homebrewer. Here's the info: Scott Buchholz's "Bad Santa" holiday spice ale is on tap here at the brewery. He was the winner of the Peterson AFB Pro-Am Homebrew Competition. His beer was chosen out of every medal winner by our headbrewer. We helped him brew it on a larger scale here at the brewery, and it will continue as RMB's official entry in the Pro-Am Competition at the Great American Beer Fest! 1/2 pints only.

I guess I could also mention that Old Chicago has one of their special beer tours for the holiday as well. They've got 7 standard Mexican lagers and each location is choosing an 8th. So if you want the standard fare, there you go.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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