Firestone Walker Comes to Colorado Springs

*** UPDATE ***
***The release party has been postponed as Firestone Walker's entry into Colorado has been put on delay. See details here and check back for updates on the next scheduled release party.***

If you haven't heard the news, Firestone Walker is beginning distribution in Colorado around mid June. This is interesting to see in a time when many Colorado breweries have so much demand in their main markets that they've actually had to pull out of some of their fringe markets. I suppose us Coloradans want to drink our own beer AND we want everyone else's too. I was just in Missouri last week and I could get Firestone there, so I wonder what's taken so long to bring them here? I wonder if it has something to do with Colorado being such a large market that they wouldn't have been able to keep up with demand until recently?

On June 23rd, David Walker, co-founder of Firestone Walker will be at Trinity Brewing meeting people and selling a host of his beers, including Double Barrel Ale, Union Jack, Pale 31, Double Jack, and any limited beers Trinity can get a hold of. The event will last from 6-8pm on June 23rd.

*Update* Looks like they'll also be at Southside Johnny's downtown at the same time too.

Firestone is one of the most respected breweries in the country so it's very exciting news that we will finally be able to drink their beer. Their anniversary beers are blends of many of their beers, aged in various barrels, and consistently receive the highest rankings possible on the beer rating sites. Their Double Jack (2IPA) is talked about up and down the West Coast. Their brewery has received Mid-Sized Brewery of the Year three times through the World Beer Cup. Let's welcome them to Colorado!

Firestone at Trinity
June 23rd, 6-8pm

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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