Colorado Springs Brewery Expansion: Trinity Brewing

If you've followed Trinity Brewing on Facebook the past month or so you've probably noticed that things are a changing a bit over on Garden of the Gards Road. Jason Yester sent us some information about all the new changes and we've gotten pretty excited about what's happening. Not only will Trinity be upping their capacity so that beer doesn't run out, but there are plans for new beers, more beer, and distribution. Let's take a look.

To start things off, Trinity is scaling up from a 4 bbl (barrel) system to a 12 bbl. Normally they could expecct 7-8 kegs of beer per brew and now they can expect closer to 22-24 kegs depending on the beer. This will really open up some possibilities and Jason has already thought through it...

Slap Your Mammy, the delicious 10.5% Double IPA that contends with Pliny the Elder will become a permanent installment on both draft and on cask (replacing the Awaken cask) at the brewpub. This will please many folks, as Trinity is only able to release it a couple times a year currently. Added to the lineup of flagship beers we will see the Chi Belgian Pilsner, a very interesting-sounding 'New Lager' as Trinity dubs it, 5.8% Belgian Lager with Styrian Golding and Saaz hops. Also added to the flagship lineup will be the Saison Man, a 6% blonde colored Belgian Saison with leather-Brett notes and some dry peppery notes. Even though Trinity makes about 36 saisons a year, this will be their second saison on the normal lineup. In addition to that it looks like they are hoping to have 2-3 seasonal rotating saisons on at all times. When Trinity releases one of it's nationally-acclaimed bottles there will now be a larger production and there will also be a limited distribution. And finally, Trinity will have the possibility of selling house kegs and some seasonal kegs to reputable beer spots. Not sure if that will be in town or up to Denver or both, but this has got to be exciting for the brewery.

So, when does all this happen? Here's a breakdown of the installation. Trinity has already installed five new custom designed Serving Tanks into their walk-in fridge. That allows them to serve a larger quantity of beer and/or five different beers. That's already done. We're looking at early March for an installation of the new 12 bbl brewing equipment. It looks like the new conical fermenters will be installed where the current ones exist, and the current ones will be moved to an outdoor space near the back of the building. That happens in March, Trinity will have 300% more capacity than they currently do and it will take a little time for them to ease into using this at full-capacity but perhaps it will need to happen sooner than they think? Beer seems to be catching on pretty quickly. Congratulations Trinity on this exciting expansion.

The Trinity crew hanging out with their new Serving Tanks

Trinity Brewing is located at 1466 Garden of the Gods Rd., Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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