2012 Firkin Rendezvous Beer List Update

The Firkin Rendezvous is just about a week away and I've been given the list of some of the beers you'll get to try. Last year I posted a list as well, a very impressive list, and it ended up being about 2/3 of the beer at the festival. So, most likely there will be more beer than you see here. There will also be food available. Also, last I heard there were a few tickets left, so act fast!

Black Fox - Somnombulance with Raspberries

Bristol -  Winter Warlock with cinnamon and habanero
Carver Brewing - ESB
Colorado Boy - Black Ale
Elk Mountain - Honey Basil
Great Divide - Dry Hopped Double IPA
Hogshead Brewery - Chinwag ESB
Kannah Creek - Brown Ale
Kevin Baity KB - 6X Premium Bitter English Pale Ale
Left Hand - 400 Pound Monkey English Style IPA
Odell Brewing Company - Coconut Milk Cutthroat Porter
Oskar Blues - Double Dry Hopped Deviant Dale's Pale Ale
Pagosa Brewing - Eagle ESB
Phantom Canyon - Second-Hand Electric Donkey Bottom Bitter Scotch Ale with Elderberries
Pikes Peak Brewing - Summit House Whiskey Stout
Ska Brewing - ModusHead
Strange Brewing - IPAphany
Three Barrel Brewing - Organic Apple IPA
Trinity Brewing - Slap Your Mammy Double IPA with tangerine and hibiscus
Wynkoop - Coconut Milk Stout
So, looks like this year we have another very impressive looking list. I wish I could attend the festival this year! I would recommend drinking as many as you can, however, here's what I think may be worth trying first. This is pure speculation though: Phantom Canyon - Because Second-Hand Electric Donkey Bottom Bitter Scotch Ale with Elderberries is a ridiculously cool name. Also, Phantom Canyon makes amazing cask beer and they were my favorite last year. I'd also try Bristol's Winter Warlock with cinnamon and habanero. That sounds really fun. Black Fox's Somnombulance with Raspberries should be good, I'd like to see the tartness cut through some of that sweet caramel flavor. Looks like the locals are the heroes this time. Let's see Carver Brewing made a really impressive cask last year so I'll give them a recommendation with what looks to be a traditional offering. Also I think Left Hand's 400 Pound Monkey should be a good one on cask. Some of these 2IPAs I'm not sure about. Last year I said the same thing and ended up being surprised by them, but somehow I'm skeptical again. Cask mellows out the hops if done properly and it just seems like a 2IPA defeats the purpose.

Man I wish I could be there...
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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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