Beer Thoughts: Odell Footprint

Beer Info:
There are ten states that make up what we (Odell) call our 'Distribution Footprint.' Each state made a unique contribution to Footprint. This artful ale is our tribute to these states in which our beer is available. The brewery sourced select ingredients from each of these ten states and crafted a myriad of small batch brews that were then blended into one larger brew. Guest brewers comprised of distributor partners, retailers, co-workers and friends from each state were invited to Odell Brewing to help with the brews. Colorado: Hops & Barley, Arizona: Prickly Pear, Idaho: Hops & Barley, Kansas: Wheat, Minnesota: WIld Rice, Missouri: Oak Barrels, Nebraska: Corn, New Mexico: Green Chilies, South Dakota: Barley & Honey, Wyoming: Wheat. ABV 9.5%

Beer Thoughts:
For starters I think the idea behind this 'Regional Ale' is really innovative. In a world where transportation and technology makes any style possible, it is radical to look at the areas in your vicinity to produce a beer that is much more 'site specific.' I wish this happened much more often.

This beer pours a nice orange color with a long lasting white head. There's a major citrus aroma with hints of vanilla from the oak. Smells a lot like a citrusy Double IPA, grapefruity and somewhat earthy. The flavor is pretty complex and heavily sweet with honey and perhaps the corn, which with the rice, lightens up the body a bit. The beer definitely has fruit undertones, but not necessarily citrusy as in the nose, this time it's more of a pomegranate, and I'm assuming that's the prickly pear and perhaps some honey. There is a subtle spice from the chilies if you know what you're looking for and there is a white wine character to the beer. Additionally there's an alcohol burn, at 9.5% this beer is not hiding the fact that it's really big. I would say to stick this beer in a cellar room for 3-6 months (siding closer to 6) and when that burn goes away some of the subtler flavors will be more prominent.

Our Recommendation:
Recommended for the experimental beer lovers. Great concept, needs some time in the cellar. Then it will likely be more accessible to people less inclined with experimental beers.

How to Drink It:
This beer is definitely one that needs to be shared. Perhaps after cellaring it will be easier to drink alone, but even then it would be fun to share. I'd put this into a tulip glass.

Where it's From:
Odell Brewing, Ft. Collins, CO

I paid full price for this beer.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Thank You Josh Osterhoudt


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