Changes to the blog

Just wanted to direct your attention to the left side of the blog. You may have noticed already, this month we started accepting advertisements. These aren't just any ads though, these are from companies that we support and believe in, we wouldn't advertise a company that we didn't truly appreciate. They are all Colorado Springs based, with the exception of Oskar Blues, who is just a short drive North. And we are very honored that these folks were so quick to sign on with us. Please welcome: Another Pint, Phantom Canyon, Coaltrain Wine and Spirits, Weber Street Liquor, Oskar Blues, Trinity Brewing, and Front Range BBQ. An awesome group of companies!

So, if you're not familiar with any of these folks, or if you'd like more information, go ahead and check them out, pay them a visit, they are each an important part of our growing craft beer community here in Colorado Springs.

Additionally I wanted to make sure that you all know that having advertising will not change the content of this blog. We will be as honest and open as we always have. Additionally with the money that comes in we hope to throw some parties and to make our events bigger and better, making sure that we give back to you, our readers.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Beer Drinker of the Week #01


Thank You Josh Osterhoudt