Beer Drinker of the Week #02

Beer Drinker of the Week is a new segment we're starting here at Focus on the Beer. This will serve as a way to show off all that delicious beer you've been drinking, or just simply show us what beers you enjoy on a normal basis. This series allows you to present your beer in an artistic environment, tell us what you think about the beers you're trying, what beer is in your fridge regularly, or tell a story about how you acquired a hard to find beer. You and your beers are the focus here.

Beer Drinker Of The Week #02

Scott Simmons is this week's featured Beer Drinker. He had a birthday party last Friday which I was privileged enough to take part in. Here are the beers that we opened.

The Beers:
Scott was supposed to send me something about the beers but decided to send me this instead which is equally as entertaining.

Here are some facts about me:
Favorite color: mother of pearl
Favorite band: the fray
Favorite movie: teen wolf 3
Favorite mood: envious
Favorite shoe: Nike Pegasus
Favorite fictional character: care bears
Favorite mixed drink: long island ice tea

How Do I Become a Part of This?

If you are interested in being our Beer Drinker Of The Week please e-mail us at You can propose to us which week you'd like to take, or we can pick the week for you and send you information and some basic directions. We'll try to post every Thursday (or so) the beers that one reader drank the previous week. We try to focus on the Colorado Springs drinkers but may be willing to expand, so email us!

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Beer Events In Town This Week


What in the World Do We Call These Wild Beers Anyway?