Meet the Brewer: Odell Brewing

Meet the Brewer: Odell Brewing
Fri. March 30 / 7pm
Another Pint / 13860 Gleneagle Dr. Colorado Springs
Pay per pint
Event page on Facebook

Our third installment of Meet the Brewer is going to be killer! This is a series that we organize in partnership with Another Pint. The first two events were very popular with Crooked Stave and Oskar Blues. This time, we're working with Odell Brewing in Fort Collins and we're bringing down co-founder Doug Odell! The event will take place on Friday, March 30th at Another Pint. We'll have a couple classic Odell beers like the IPA, Myrcenary, and their first beer, back in 1989, 90 Shilling. We'll also have Footloose Golden Sour and Shenanigans, a couple beers you perhaps of not had before. You won't want to miss this event! You'll have the opportunity to talk with Doug about what it was like starting a brewery before the recent brewery boom, the current direction of Odell, how some of the recent beers were conceived, and how Odell became an industry leader in terms of quality and innovation.

The new beers:
- Footloose Golden Sour – Barrel aged with Brettanomyces and lactobacillus, this sour brings forth big fruit flavors of pineapple and citrus. Tropical aromas, coupled with a tart finish and slight hints of vanilla from the oak barrel make for a unique and refreshing beer. (8% ABV)

- Shenanigans - This delightful crimson ale is aged in oak with just a touch of Brettanomyces. The subtle Brett tartness balances the rich amber malt with hints of dried fruit and light citrus. Our ode to the happy accident, Shenanigans was just too good not to share. (9.1% ABV)

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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