Focus on the Beer Community Spotlight: Kirk Schipke

We strive to emphasize not only beer on this blog but also the community that helps shape the beer scene in the Colorado Springs region. The people involved with making this area a better beer scene are very important to us. We are starting a new series highlighting special people in this community that help raise awareness of craft beer - beer servers, brewers, beer reps, restaurant owners, beer writers, homebrewers, etc. If you would like to nominate someone for this series, shoot us an email.

Focus on the Beer Community Spotlight: Kirk Schipke

Bar/Brewery: Trinity Brewing, beer server since February 2009.

Hometown: Whitewood, SD

Hobbies:  Beer, beer, hiking, golfing, and a new passion for bowling!

Why did you get into serving beer: I started going to Trinity regularly in 2008 and realized how much I loved craft beer and decided to supplement my love for craft beer by working in the industry.

Favorite beer styles: IPAs first and Saisons second

Favorite beer: Slap Your Mammy

Favorite drink other than beer: Chocolate milk (N/A drink) and Makers on the rocks

Favorite place for a beer other than Trinity: Pikes Peak Brewing and Modis in a can at McCabes

Beer Hero: Eric Steen

Best server experience: Wow, there are so many.  Working in a place like Trinity, you get to see the excitement of newbies in the pub, and I like the challenge of educating them on the different beers!

Worst server experience: Having someone bump into me, causing me to spill a tray of beers all over a table and most of its patrons.

Opinion on Glassware: I think beer is enjoyed in glasses appropriate for the beer style.  I personally have six different styles of beer glassware at home.

Common mistake you see other beer places doing that annoys you:  I like a glass that has been rinsed after the pour, and there are not a whole lot of places that do that at this time.

Fun fact about Kirk: My favorite movie is The Goonies and I still watch it regularly.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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