Twisted Pine releases a Carrot IPA

The above photo, taken from Colorado Daily, depicts a beer called Roots Revival Carrot IPA. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, and I doubted the beer would taste any good. BUT then I saw it was from Twisted Pine in Boulder and I changed my mind about the whole thing. Twisted Pine makes some good beer, but they also make some good strange beers. For example, at our anniversary party they brought down a beer called Poison Fish, which had ginger, wasabi, horseradish root, and mustard seed. The beer was actually really good. They also make a beer with the Ghost chili, the hottest beer I've ever had, which I hesitate to say is good, but certainly a hell of a lot of fun.

So, the Carrot IPA. I am not sure if we'll see the beer down here in Colorado Springs, the article I read says it will be available starting tomorrow at the Boulder Farmer's Market to celebrate it's 25th anniversary. All the ingredients in this one are from Colorado, including the 300 lbs of carrots. Colorado Daily reports:

Roots Revival Carrot IPA can technically be called a field beer, and it's certainly unique. Logistics manager Justin Tilotta introduced the idea to the Twisted Pine team and brewer Henry Jager experimented with two different pilot brews -- one with carrots in the mash and one with carrots in the boil. The mash-in technique was the clear winner, and brewers then scaled up the recipe to make a 10-barrel batch that's currently available on draft in the Twisted Pine Ale House and in wax-dipped 750ml bottles.

I really hope to get at least a bottle of this. If anyone is going to Boulder tomorrow, please consider picking up a bottle for me. I made a carrot stout once, I divided a batch up, added the locally grown carrots to 5 gallons to the boil and the other 5 gallons was sans carrots. The one with carrots was slightly creamier and a tad sweeter, but not a ton of difference. I also imagine that the Walloon Saison, the sort of stone-soup beer that Trinity makes where everyone brings in food from their gardens, has carrots in it too but I'm not sure. Anyway, this is a refreshing and imaginative way to think about beer. It doesn't feel like a gimmick coming from Twisted Pine and I'm really looking forward to seeing more like this from them.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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