Beer Drinker of the Week #7

Beer Drinker of the Week is a segment that will serve as a way to show off all that delicious beer you've been drinking, or just simply show us what beers you enjoy on a normal basis. This series allows you to present your beer in an artistic environment, tell us what you think about the beers you're trying, what beer is in your fridge regularly, or tell a story about how you acquired a hard to find beer. You and your beers are the focus here.
Beer Drinker of the Week #7: Chadd Nelson

The Beers:
From Left to Right in the picture: Upslope Craft Lager, New Belgium Shift Pale Lager, Avery Uncle Jacobs Stout, Grimm Brothers Fearless Youth Dunkel Lager, not pictured Grimm Brothers Little Red Cap Alt Style Ale, Goose Island Pepe Nero Belgium Farmhouse Ale, Brasserie Dupont Moinette Blonde Belgium Ale, Crooked Stave Surette Wood Aged Farmhouse Ale, Funkwerks Saison, Crooked Stave Petite Sour, The Bruery Saison Rue, Brasserie Dupont Saison Dupont, Jolly Pumpkin La Roja American Wild Ale, Jolly Pumpkin  Bam Biere Farmhouse Ale, Epic Brewing Elder Brett Saison-Brett Golden Ale, Anchorage Brewing The Tide And Its Takers Tripel, New Belgium Biere De Mars, Great Divide Colette Farmhouse Ale, Boulevard Brewing Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale.

From Chadd
I have to admit I have a problem - I love great craft beer and am on a mission to drink everything I can get my hands on. 

Growing up in Colorado and throughout high school I literally grew up drinking Fat Tire, Avalanche and 90 Schilling. Having been away from this great state for almost 9 years before returning home a couple years back, the return has been like waking up after a decade of sleeping. Not that where I was didn't have good beer, it did, but not like this place. I almost forgot that great beer is a birthright in this state. Going to the liquor store can be a multi-hour ordeal for me - time well spent as it usually ends up in a mind-altering taste explosion.     

I just want to put it out there that I love all beers including the likes of PBR and Miller Light. But if I am buying my beer, I am buying the good stuff...Especially if I'm going to put in my new beer cellar.  Like my father in law always says "Life is too short to drink cheap beer." Amen brother [father!].

Now on to the good stuff, the beers. As you can tell from the above list, the beer was flowing like water from the heavens as this was a great drinking week for me.  A couple of old favorites and some new beers that are sure to become regulars. As you can probably see, I am crushing Farmhouse and Saison beers. Perfect for the hot weather and working in my yard. I am also loving Brett beers and everything wood aged, wild and sour. Everything I drink from Crooked Stave is delicious and that is why I joined their Cellar Reserve. Saison rue from The Bruery had great brett funk. La Roja from Jolly Pumpkin was a great and easy drinking sour beer. The more sour beer I drink the more I love the style and taste. I guess I am one of the lucky few who actually got tickets for Avery's SourFest.  

During this week I had the great fortune of visiting Grimm Brothers Brewhouse in Loveland and was then able to add both beers I brought home to my list. I would definitely recommend checking out Grimm Brothers to everybody, that was my 37th brewery since November and it ranks right near the top.

The real highlight for this week was Uncle Jacobs Stout from Avery. I feel like I was waiting at the liquor store for two weeks before it was finally there. Amazing drinkability given its 17% abv. It's smooth and rich, which means in a couple of years the bottles I got stashed in my basement will be even better.

Thank you everyone for the opportunity to share my love of great brews with you.  Now get out there and support all of the great and world class local brewers we have right here in our wonderful state.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Special Tapping at Rocky Mountain Brewery


P(OR)tland Photo Recap Part 1