Photo Recap: Denver Beers Made By Walking

Tuesday night was the debut of Beers Made By Walking in Denver. We've been pretty excited about this event as we worked with nine of our favorite Colorado Breweries to create special beers just for the event. We were pleased to have a packed house, our friends from Denver Off The Wagon showed up, a few pals from Colorado Springs, as did a few other people we've met along the way. You can read more about the event on Denver's Westword and the Denver Post. The Westword called the event one of the most unusual event of GABF week. We really like that description!

The nine breweries included Crooked Stave, Lone Tree, Oskar Blues, Phantom Canyon, Pikes Peak, Ska, Strange, Trinity, and Wynkoop. Each brewery went on a walk and made a beer inspired by the walk. Ingredients ranged from rose hips and sumac, to jasmine kombucha tea blends, chokecherry, juniper, yarrow, pineapple weed, cactus and more. It's hard to choose a favorite beer of the night as they were all so different and when I asked other people their favorite beer, answers ranged all over the board.

Our new pal Chris Mendez who also makes beer with found ingredients!

Each visitor was greeted with a sixteen page menu, complete with photos, information on each beer and information about the various hikes that the brewers attended. At the end of the night Tim Myers from Strange Brewing told me that he loved the menu and that all night he told people who had questions about his beer that "you gotta read the book to learn about the hike and our decisions." Each visitor also got a special BMBW sample glass that had been printed just for this night.

Scott Simmons brewed the Chokecherry Kriek with Pikes Peak Brewing
Bess Dougherty, brewer at Wynkoop. We love you Bess!

The event was great and we're really looking forward to doing this again. I think we'll do more than one big one, I'd like to see smaller versions of the event as well as bigger versions. I'd really like to have some more seasonal versions that include late spring and even winter. We've got a lot of plans for BMBW. Last year when we started the event in our beautiful town of Colorado Springs we didn't know that it would take off like this, but we knew after doing it that it's too fun and wonderful to just do once. Stay tuned here and over at, and at the BMBW facebook page for future events.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Beer Photo of the Week #17


Bristol's Venettuci Pumpkin Ale is on its way!