We would like to direct your attention to a couple great looking beer dinners that
Coaltrain is organizing. The first is on January 8th and is a five course dinner at Tapateria paired with Bristol beers. The second is on January 30th at The Blue Star and features a rare sampling of some of Avery's Barrel Aged beers. Details from Coaltrain are below:
Bristol Beer Dinner at Tapateria
On Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm, we are teaming up with Bristol for this 5-course, 5-beer dinner for only $49 plus tax & service. This dinner will include the last of the Venetucci Pumpkin Ale. Coaltrain General Manager and Beer Buyer, Austin Sherwood, will join Mike Bristol and General Manager Tom Zurenko from Bristol Brewing to guide us through the dinner. Only 30 seats are available, so call Coaltrain for reservations soon at 719.475.9700.
- Citrus-Poached Shrimp With Endive / Yellow Kite
- Paleta-Wrapped Duck Galantine With Asparagus & Vichy Carrots / Christmas Ale
- Belgian Ale-Braised Venetucci Short Ribs With Salsify / Belgian Dubbel Ale
- Venetucci Pumpkin Soup with Blizzard Goat Cheese & Toasted Pepitas / Venetucci Pumpkin Ale
- Barley Float with Caramel Gelato, Maple Hot Cakes, Candied Pecans & Foie Gras / 2011 Barley Wine
Avery Beer Dinner at The Blue Star
Please join us on Wednesday, January 30th for a very special treat! Avery Brewing Company, The Blue Star Restaurant, and Coaltrain Wine & Spirits have come together to offer you a special beer and food experience.
Avery currently has released 13 beers in their Barrel-Aged Series and you will be able to try 7 of them at this dinner. One of their annual barrel releases, Rumpkin, will help fill the bill and Avery's Barrel Herder and Senior Brewer Andy Parker will be on hand to guide you through the beers and A
very's barrel project.
The cost is $85 plus tax and tip per person.
Reservations can be made directly with The Blue Star at 719-632-1086.
Keep an eye on The Blue Star's website ( http://thebluestar.net/Events.aspx ) for the full posting of the menu, but here is a sneak peak:
- Release No. 10 - Muscat d'Amour / Foie Gras Dagwood
- Release No. 4 - Depuceleuse & Release No. 13 - Odio Equum / Cherry Barbecued pork belly on potato bun & Scallion potato cake w/ mixed game chili
- Release No. 12 - Oud Floris / Oud Floris Cocktail
- Release No. 1 - Brabant & Release No. 9 - Immitis / Classic dtyle beef tenderloin tartare & lamb loin wellington w/ zin eduction & hazelnut spiked duxelle
- Release No. 7 - Dihos Dactylion & Annual Release - Rumpkin / PB fritter w/ braised banana, candied house bacon & Maraschino milkshake w/ bourbon caramel
Call the Blue Star now at 719-632-1086
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