Buy This Beer: Paradox Beer Co.'s The Yang

Paradox Beer Co.
is one of the newest breweries in the Pikes Peak Region, they released their first beers somewhere around six months ago. We very much enjoyed these initial beers, and with each new release we have noticed a continual commitment toward improvement, subtlety, and complexity. The newest releases are The Ying and The Yang, a play off of dark Belgian and white Belgian Ales. While I haven't tried the Ying yet, I have tried The Yang and I must urge you all to find a bottle of this beer for yourself.

The Yang is described as an American-Belgo White Ale with Brett Yeast, cardamom, corainder, rose hips, sweet and bitter orange peel and aged in oak wine barrels. When I cracked the bottle open it made a huge pop noise, if it had been a cork and not a swingtop I estimate we would have seen a good twenty foot cork shot. Immediately the room filled with an orange citrus and fruity Brett aroma. I could smell the beer from five feet away and I knew immediately that this thing was going to be delicious. And it most certainly is. There is a balanced lemon and earthy bitterness followed by sweet orange, some lavender notes that taste wonderful with the light citrusy and fruity Brett yeast, and a touch of spice as well. The beer is at once complex and layered while remaining absolutely easy to drink. It is also a refreshing beer as it is quite citrusy, yet balanced with a crisp, clean, and almost cinnamon-like finish.

Paradox knocked this one out of the ball park. The beer is not only their best beer to date (in my opinion), but this is a must try for any lover of Belgian, wild, sour, or experimental beers. I am very much excited about what's happening with this brewery. Also, I think that combined with Trinity's Red Swingline beer, 2013 is proving to be a very exciting year in the Brett Beer Category for the Pikes Peak Region.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


2013 Saison Festival is coming up!


Home Brew, Caramelized (Burnt) Sugar & Odell Brewing Company