The Art of Beer (An Article-Share)

An image from Beers Made By Walking, 2011

I'm really happy to share this article in Mash Tun Journal about some of the beer events I organize nationally and internationally. Sorry for the shameless self-promotion here. The article was written by Chicago-based art-writer and organizer Bryce Dwyer and is a brief reading about artists who look to brewing for inspiration in the contemporary art scene. It starts with a good background on Tom Marioni, who has been drinking beer in galleries, and calling that art, since the 70's. It then goes on to describe a couple of my projects, including Beers Made By Walking, and Pub School in Glasgow, which helped inspire the annual Glasgow Beer Week. An excerpt from the article is below, but I'm pretty stoked to have this thing online finally, so please go read it!

"Whether it exists in a gallery or on a neighborhood corner, the pub is, at its best, a place where the familiarity born of a community creates a favorable atmosphere for the unexpected to occur and for experiments to happen. Under one roof, Steen gathers professionals and amateurs, strangers and friends, and asks them to drink beer. But, in this case, the act of drinking is but one facet of a many-sided artwork. Where beer is a readymade for Marioni, for Steen it is a magic stuff with qualities that open up a broad range of experiences—both from the beer itself and the scene of its consumption."

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Breckenridge Beer Dinner this Saturday at Brewer's Republic


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