Paradox's Halloween Bottle Releases!

Paradox Beer Company has been making some of the tastiest barrel aged beers around, and this Halloween, they're releasing four new treats for all of us! If you've got a beer-tooth (like a sweet tooth, but for beer!) then you've gotta start your trick-or-treating off at their tasting room!From their Facebook:

New Beer Alert Bottle Release!
Well Comrades, it's that time again! Join us Thursday (Halloween!)
Before your Trick or Treating excursions for our 4 new bottle releases!
Whiskey Barrel Vanilla Porter
Porter aged in Breckenridge Distillery Whiskey barrels and brewed with Bourbon Vanilla Beans. A sniff reveals light notes of vanilla and tropical fruit. Smooth debittered 
dark malts give way to heavy toast oak, vanilla and light bourbon in the taste. The finish is slightly dry with lingering vanilla and oak.7.5% Abv
Dark Wheat Whine Ale
American Strong Ale made with dark wheat aged in red wine oak barrels. Rich roasted malts, ripe bananas and chocolate sweetness intermingle in the inviting aroma; dessert flavored of dark chocolate dipped bananas are well balanced by a slight bite that quickly comes on in the finish. 8.5%. Abv
Skully#5 Cranberry Sour
Aged in oak red wine barrels with the additions of cranberries, lacto and wild yeasts helped create this Sour beer with bold red berries and spicy Saison esters evident in the nose. Cranberries and cherries start the sip and slowly transition to light clove and medium tartness. As flavored dissipate, only lingering cranberry tartness and light oak remain. 7% Abv
The Nihilist 
Our second round of this double brown ale aged in Hungarian Oak barrels that previously held red wine.
Melded tart barrel oakiness, strong roasted malt, caramel, chocolate and hazelnut notes make this a remarkably quaffable brew. 9%Abv

 These will be making their way to stores soon, but if you want to be the first, take a trip up Hwy 24 and say hi to the guys at Paradox! You won't be disappointed!Cheers!

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Photo Recap: All Colorado Beer Festival and Medal Winners


Meet the Brewer: Avery Brewing on Nov. 7th