Collaboration Brew

[quote align='left']"Collaboration is awesome. You have three of the biggest breweries in Colorado Springs producing a product together to sell in each of our establishments. This collaboration highlights the sense of community amongst all of the breweries in the Pikes Peak Region." - Chris Wright, Pikes Peak Brewing Company[/quote]During this year's Colorado Beer Week Denver's Imbibe and the Colorado Brewers Guild are hosting Collaboration Fest.Brewers from all over the state are teaming up to create a beer that is new and different specifically for the festival. We had the opportunity to join the brew day for the Southern Colorado Collaboration. Last Friday brewers from Bristol Brewing, Phantom Canyon Brewing Company and Pikes Peak Brewing Company got together to brew a hop-forward wheat lager at Phantom Canyon's brewery downtown.The day was full of camaraderie, beer nerdery, and the opportunity to get together and share each other's expertise. A few weeks before the brew day all of the breweries came together to plan out what style of beer they were going to make and how to feature it outside of the festival.  They decided on a 60% wheat grain bill that would be fermented with a clean lager yeast to showcase the stronger presence and varieties of hops used. The brewers are planning on both bottling and kegging it off so that it can be enjoyed at each of the breweries' locations. It will be a great style to enjoy, just in time for early spring.We asked Alan Stiles of Phantom Canyon a few questions about the recipe to give you an idea of what they'll be serving up at the festival and afterwards. Check out his answers in our audio clip.
 We will keep you updated on the beer's release. To purchase tickets for Collaboration Fest click here. 

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