2014 Best of Beer: Best Beer Dinner

It seems like 2014 was the year of the Beer Dinner. Not only was every brewery putting on some sort of branded food pairing, but every craft restaurant got in on the game as well. Now, keep in mind, these aren't your run of the mill "royale with cheese" and a pint type occasions...These are carefully planned, meticulously executed and heartily enjoyed type of events. Amazing food meets amazing beer. In our hearts, it's a match made in heaven, or more importantly, in our stomachs. Colorado Springs has some great events that center around beer and food, and you all voted some awesome "beer dinners" to the top!Without further ado (we've been saying that a lot...expect more of it) here's the top beer dinners for 2014. Remember these are voted on in a purely non-scientific manner...1st Place: Local RelicWhere it seems easy to pull five different beers off the shelf and pair it with food, Local Relic has done the opposite. This local crew of chefs, brewers and visionaries are really flipping the script on what a beer dinner is. They craft new and exciting beers for each dinner, pushing the envelope for flavor and enjoyment. If you haven't had a chance to join them for their events, be sure to get in on the next one. You'll probably see us there, as we have yet to partake in one of their dinners.2nd Place: Brewers RepublicJosh at Brewers Republic has started pulling in some of the best breweries from around the country. Pair that with the shared kitchen at the Underground, and you've got some of the most popular beer dinners around. We've been lucky to sit in on dinners, and it's fun to see what their chefs create... they're not just making bar food. Congratulations!3rd Place: The Golden BeeThe Broadmoor's Golden Bee has been a popular hangout spot for Colorado Springs for years. They jumped on the Beer Dinner train recently and have done some wildly successful pairings with regional and national beers. We joined in on one of their beer dinners with Pikes Peak Brewing, and it was extremely well done! Next time you see one of these dinners pop up either on their Facebook or on here, get your spot.

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


2014 Best of Beer: Events and Happenings


2014 Best of Beer: Beer Styles