New Brewery Series: JAKs Brewing Company Preview

We had a chance to stop in at JAKs Brewing Company this late afternoon for their Mug club sale, and wow they received a great reception from Falcon and Peyton area beer lovers! We showed up about 5 minutes before they opened the doors to their not-yet-open taproom, and there were already close to 30 people waiting in line. For a brewery who hasn't sold a single pint, that's pretty amazing. It seems like the sky's the limit for JAKs Brewing Company, with only a wait for paperwork to be processed left in the hurdles of brewery ownership. They graciously let us sample some of their first batches, and if quality and taste stays where it is now, they'll be a hotspot northeast of the Springs. We'll sit down with Jeff, Tony and Ken closer to their opening date and give you all the complete lowdown. Here's some photos from the afternoon!Tony, of JAKs, explaining the Mug Club process before everyone heads inside.JAKs-Brewing-MugClub-3716 JAKs-Brewing-MugClub-3718Jeff (right) talks to new Mug Club members about their beers and plans for the taproom.JAKs-Brewing-MugClub-3722 JAKs-Brewing-MugClub-3723JAKs, the brewery for ants. Actually these are their tasters, almost perfect miniatures of standard shaker pint glasses.We're looking forward to their opening, which they're pegging to be around the end of January, so until then we'll have to heed their message: "Stay Aggressive!" Cheers!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


2014 Best of Beer: Best Local Brewery


2014 Best of Beer: Events and Happenings