Brew Love: Bristol Brewing Imperial IPA

This week's Brew Love is coming to us from a place a little closer to home than our last few. After a weeklong trip to Beervana, we've been craving the flavor of wet, sticky hops in our glass. Maybe its only the rainy weather reminding us of the Pacific Northwest, but one thing is for sure: we love those fresh tasting double IPA's. We also think it's really exciting when you see regional styles bleed into other areas.Case in point: about a month ago, Mike and the gang at Bristol Brewing released this hop bomb of an imperial IPA on Colorado Springs. Resembling something similar in looks to their mainline Compass IPA, this Imperial IPA pours a rich copper color, but the biggest difference starts when the aromas hit you in the face like a locomotive. Definitely not Compass.Grapefruit, citrus, light pine and some tropical notes ultimately prep your senses for the oncoming flavor onslaught. To the untrained tongue, Bristol's Imperial IPA may get confused with Stone Brewing's Ruination; it's hoppy and bitter and really tasty. Now, don't be's a good tasty because luckily, hiding in the middle of each sip lies the malt backbone helping to balance things out.What does it taste like? Grapefruit is the main flavor, with some orange peel and pine intermingling themselves on your palate. The mouthfeel is well rounded, and the flavor stays pretty consistent throughout, finishing off with a sticky dankness one might only find in a shop with a green cross emblazoned on the door. The aftertaste lingers, a helpful reminder to take another sip.With all the hoopla surrounding West Coast IPA's, Bristol's latest Imperial IPA definitely hits the mark for us. If you miss out on the next Pliny release, pick up one of these. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


Drink Local: American Craft Beer Week is here


Attaining Beervana: A Trip to the Coast