Brew Love: Gold Camp Kumquat Kölsch

This week's Brew Love features one of Colorado Springs' newest breweries. Gold Camp Brewing collaborated with the local women's beer club Sisterhood of the Suds back when they first opened, so it was only a matter of time before they brewed together again. According to Ben Wilder, Gold Camp's head brewer, the ladies from the Sisterhood of the Suds came up with the recipe and helped with the brew day. They've got pictures from the whole process on their Facebook page.As with any brewery in its infancy, Gold Camp has been experimenting and dialing in its recipes, and while some of their beers haven't been my most favorite, I absolutely love the things Ben's been putting out lately. To name my top favorites, mainly the Phoenix Phire DIPA and Two Guns Nan pale ale are on the list, but the Kumquat Kölsch could easily take the top spot.


What the heck is a kumquat? We consulted our resident researcher, Wikipedia, to find out. After perusing the page, we've gleaned that they're small citrus fruits that somewhat resemble an oval-shaped orange. One interesting fact: the essential oil of kumquats has α-humulene which is also in hops!

The Beer

Kumquat-0245The Kumquat Kölsch pours bright yellow in color, with a long lasting bright white head. It almost looks like fresh-squeezed juice of some sort. Aroma-wise, this beer smells like fresh lemon, lime and citrus. Lots of citrus. It basically punches you in the face with its bright, tart aroma. Don't let the tartness fool you though, this Kölsch is smooth and brilliantly delicious. Something like a brass monkey beer. Close your eyes and it'll come to you.

Where can you get it?

Gold Camp's Kumquat Kölsch is being released in their taproom at 6pm today. With only a barrel available, it will most likely go fast. We joked with Ben, telling him he'd better start brewing the next batch right away.If you're in the area, stop in, chat with Ben and the ladies from Sisterhood of the Suds and enjoy their latest collaboration. It's brew love at first sip.


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