2015 All Colorado Beer Fest Recap and Photos

Well, that was a great festival. It was great to see a ton of familiar faces around the Mortgage Solutions Financial event center for this past Saturday's All Colorado Beer Festival. Many people brought out fun and special beers, and some of the newer faces put on a great showing for the judging! We especially enjoyed hanging out with the Beers crew of Whistle Pig and sampling some of Peaks N Pines' brews. Anyways, we know why you're here...for the pretty pictures!DSC_9058DSC_9060DSC_9061DSC_9064DSC_9067DSC_9070DSC_9075DSC_9077DSC_9078DSC_9081DSC_9088DSC_9080DSC_9085DSC_9087DSC_9090DSC_9092DSC_9094DSC_9098DSC_9099DSC_9104DSC_9107DSC_9109DSC_9110DSC_9112DSC_9113DSC_9115DSC_9116DSC_9119DSC_9122DSC_9123DSC_9124DSC_9128DSC_9134Our only gripe was the lack of communication about when and where the awards were going to be presented. Last year, it all happened in the second session, so we made sure to be there then, but this year they did it during the first without much pomp or circumstance. Our advice: make it a spectacle...people love seeing their local brewers accepting awards.The awards from this year:

Category 1 – English Brown and Porter

Gold – Triple S Brewing – Triple S PorterSilver – Bull & Bush – Big Ben BrownBronze – Shamrock Brewing – Irish Porter

Category 2 – Lagers

Gold – Tivoli Brewing – Tivoli Helles LagerSilver – Yak & Yeti – Nameste PilsnerBronze – Coors Brewing – Coors Banquet

Category 3 – Bock, Scottish & Irish Ales

Gold – Pug Ryans – Hideout HellesSilver – AC Golden – Colorado Native WinterfestBronze – Smiling Toad – Wee Heavy

Category 4 – Hybrid German Wheat & Rye

Gold - Prost Brewing - WeissbierSilver – Bier Werks – Bronco Billies BlondeBronze – Peaks N Pines – Colorado Blonde

Category 5 – American Ales

Gold – Elk Mountain – Ute Bill Pale AleSilver – AC Golden – Colorado Native AmberBronze – Bull & Bush – Allgood Amber

Category 6 – Stout

Gold – Living the Dream – Hellavu CaucasianSilver – Riff Raff Brewing – Oatmeal StoutBronze – Launch Pad Brewery – Soyuz Russian Imperial Stout

Category 7 – IPA English, America & Imperial

Gold – Bull & Bush – Man BeerSilver – Odell Brewing – Odell IPABronze – Iron Bird – Deadstick

Category 8 – Specialty IPAs

Gold – Blue Moon Brewing – Belgian White IPASilver – Ska Brewing – Modus Manderina IPABronze – BJs BrewHouse – Ginger IPA

Category 9 – Belgian & French

Gold – River North – River North WhiteSilver – River North – Hoppenberg Uncertainty PrincipleBronze – Colorado Plus – Sweet Ridge Saison

Category 10 – Strong Ales

Gold – Fossil Brewing – Trilobite Belgian TripelSilver – Manitou Brewing – Belgian Dark StrongBronze – Blue Spruce – Belgian Golden Strong

Category 11 – European Sour Ale/American Wild Ale

Gold – New Belgium – Le TerroirSilver – New Belgium – La FolieBronze – Pikes Peak Brewing – Tava Sour Red IPA

Category 12 – Fruit Beers

Gold – Shamrock – Cherry 2000Silver – Storybook – The Last Strawberry Honey WheatBronze – Kokopelli Beer Co. - Berryana

Category 13 – Smoke & Wood – Aged Beer

Gold – Mu Brewery – Mutation PrincipleSilver – Nano 108 – Carcavalos Barrel Aged Strong AleBronze – Verboten – Mountain Man

Category 14 – Specialty Beers

Gold – Tivoli Brewing – Pass the BuckSilver – Colorado Mountain Brewery – Dead Chef Milk Pumpkin AleBronze – Boulder Beer – Shake Chocolate Porter

Category 15 – Spiced Beer

Gold – Blue Moon – Cinnamon Horchata AleSilver – Ska Brewing – Autumnal Mole StoutBronze – Paradox Beer – Skully Barrel #33 AKA Pepitas Grande

Best of Show

New Belgium – Le TerroirAs you can see, New Belgium cleaned up in the sour categories...maybe its that massive forest of foeders or just Travis Flett's awesome smile! (Thanks Travis for helping catch a misspelling...we just copy-pasted and didn't have time to double check all those medals)We sure are looking forward to next year's 10th anniversary. It'll be awesome.


Another one bites the dust: Ballast Point bought for $1 Billion


All Colorado Beer Festival is This Weekend!