3rd Year of Rocket in Your Beer

In keeping with the trend of 2015, it seems like every weekend this month has had some awesome beer-related event. This past Saturday, beer lovers descended on the Space Foundation, and enjoyed brews from 13 breweries. It was a small, intimate event, with brewers intertwined with rocket engines and space suits.Compared to last year, where the brew fest was relegated to a separate, somewhat dark area in the back of the museum, this year really helped make it feel more immersive. They had food and a silent auction in a separate room, but most of the action was right smack dab in the middle of all the exhibits.In addition to sponsoring the fest, the Beer Drinkers Guide to Colorado released their 9th edition! Just like the last year or so, the beer map and beer coupons include wines and spirits in an effort to help guide you around to the state's libation headquarters. Look for the newer edition in stores soon or order it online! We even saw Cerberus Brewing coupons in there if you need even more incentive... Rocket-in-my-beer-2Jeff and Gretchen from Great StormRocket-in-my-beer-3Rocket-in-my-beer-4Rocket-in-my-beer-8Rocket-in-my-beer-7Rocket-in-my-beer-6Rocket-in-my-beer-5Keith from Nano 108, when he wasn't showering the crowd with beer.There were a lot of kids around which helped with the vibe.Rocket-in-my-beer-12  Svaroski crystal anyone...Travis and Niki from FieldhouseRocket-in-my-beer-11

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


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