Blue Moon's Spring Seasonals
We're rolling out a new feature here at Focus on the Beer, where we report on and review new offerings that may not necessarily be craft beer. Does this mean they are not a good beer, or not worth your attention? Of course not. We're here to focus on ALL the beer, so you don't have to. Remember that family reunion last summer? It was in the middle of nowhere and you forgot to pack craft beer. Well, hopefully this series will help you make an educated decision when confronted with a "crafty" beer decision.Up this week we have a two-fer of new beers from Blue Moon Brewing Company (a subsidiary of SAB Miller) for their spring seasonals: a vanilla wheat ale and an ale called First Peach. How did they stack up?Vanilla Wheat AleWe're used to seeing vanilla in a number of different beer styles. Vanilla in stout is always the first thing that springs to mind. This was a light wheat beer, right along the lines of Blue Moon's flagship beer sans the Belgian character and spices. It poured slightly cloudy (as one expects from a wheat ale). The promised vanilla was easy to detect in the flavor and slightly in the nose as well. There was also some definite hop character that the vanilla smoothed out. It delivers what it promises in the name. We weren't blown away by this one, but it is by no means a bad beer. First Peach Ale
This ale was our favorite of the two. It smelled very 'peachy' in the nose, and delivered that same peach character on the palate as well. There was a little impression of the underlying maltiness of the base beer, and it had a pleasing light orange hue. No hop character to speak of. Very fruit forward. It delivers on being a peach ale, so if you like peaches, you should seek this out and try it.As always you should make your beer choices based on your personal tastes and interests, we're just here to increase your awareness of the offerings and provide our humble opinion.Cheers from Focus on the Beer!