Brew Love: One Ear saison
"Best beer I've had from the Springs in years" says one Colorado Springs brewer.
Alright, alright, I had to find out what One Ear, a naked saison from Trinity Brewing actually tasted like. Were these guys just pulling my chain, knowing my past experiences with Trinity? Or are they telling the truth. It was definitely the latter.One Ear saison is the first foray into 4-packs from Trinity Brewing. Showing off crisp new artwork and eschewing the #KillThePintGlass motto for a more reserved, somewhat mature "Evoke Fermentations," Trinity is truly upping their game with this release. Soon much of their bottles will have their new logo and style, and it looks great.Can we talk about the artwork a little more?
Trinity has always had some of the most interesting label art. From their recently ACCO® approved Red Swingline, to these new releases, They've always put an art-conscious label on every bottle. Yep, Trinity has reached an agreement with the company who produces the actual Swingline staplers to continue using the Red Swingline branding! Good on both companies for reaching a fair and amicable conclusion!
On One Ear, there's the obvious reference to Van Gogh, which warms my fine art major heart, but also the label conspicuously hides a replication of Mike Tyson's eye tattoo (he bit Evander Holyfield's ear, for you young ones). The playful, yet serious artwork makes One Ear stand out from the rest of Trinity's lineup of beers. Now, don't get us wrong—we absolutely love Gordo and his labels—but there's a freshness from the hand-drawn nature of Trinity's new lineup of labels. Something a bit more approachable. Great job Trinity.Alright, back to the beer. That's what we should be focusing on right? Excuse our writing style and palate, but we're about to get warm and cozy with this classic Belgian saison.
Is it too much to say that this beer is damn pretty in the glass? I know everyone in Facebook's numerous beer crazy groups is all gonzo for turbidity, but this beer almost sparkles in the glass! There's just enough murkiness for the color of the beer to shine through.I'm glad it doesn't look like Orange Julius.The aroma is a layered approach of orange, lemon and slight pepper. While some of Trinity's other offerings have been heavier on the barnyard and funk, this one exhibits more of a restrained funk factor.
"Most crushable saison on earth" - Local experimental brewer.
With a Denver expansion looming, is this Trinity's easy drinking offering that will fund a Northward journey? Maybe so, but it's a damn good beer and we'll continue buying it! Look for it to start hitting shelves on March 11! Better yet, head to Trinity Brewing on the 11th for the release.Colorado Springs, take notice—Jason may be Jason, but he makes incredible beer. This is indeed one of them.