Red Leg Brewing expands distribution through RMC partnership

We've all seen the Red Leg Brewing box truck driving around town, sometimes with owner Todd Baldwin at the helm, but soon Red Leg is getting some major help moving their beer.Today, Red Leg announced their newly formed partnership with RMC Distributing. Red Leg's long term goal of being on every military base the world over is nearing closer and closer to realization! Soon, with RMC's help, Red Leg beer will be available over an expanse of 28,000 square miles of Southern Colorado thanks to RMC's network of 1,600 customers in 17 counties! Next step, the world!

“We’re very proud to partner with another local organization that is heavily involved in the veteran community and working to deliver exceptional craft beer. After receiving our second World Beer Cup medal our beer is in higher demand and RMC Distribution is the perfect partner to spread our veteran philosophy, work ethic and quality beers to a larger audience in the southern Colorado area.” —Todd Baldwin, owner/founder

Recently, Focus on the Beer was front and center to see Red Leg Brewing win a second World Beer Cup medal at the 2016 World Beer Cup in Philadelphia, PA. This time around, employee- and local-favorite Blue Nose Brown took the bronze in the Brown Porter category.Todd Baldwin, owner/founder of Red Leg Brewing, accepting the bronze for Blue Nose Brown in the Brown Porter Category from Charlie Papazian at the World Beer Cup May 6 in Philadelphia.In order to keep up with their wildly popular taproom AND send beer around the world, Todd estimates Red Leg's production will need to increase at least 50%. Now, we see how hiring Mike Dee a few months ago will really help Red Leg continually push their brew house to full capacity while keeping quality at a high level. With two "head brewers" essentially in Jeff Lockhart and Mike Dee, we can all expect top notch Red Leg beer even as they grow their production to meet the demand!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


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