Goat Patch Brewing Heading to Lincoln Center
As reported in today's Colorado Springs Independent, former Colorado Mountain, Trinity and Bristol brewer Darren Baze will be opening up Goat Patch Brewing Company in the Lincoln Center. Previously, Local Relic had signed on to the project, but pulled out earlier this summer. We had heard rumors Darren was linked to this project for awhile, so it's a nice change to see a seasoned brewer striking out on their own.As the Indy reported, Goat Patch Brewing will house a 15bbl brew house in Lincoln Elementary school's old auditorium. Early word is the production side won't be open to the public, but the tasting room across the hall will be. The last time we walked through, the space still had stadium seating which will make for an interesting brew house. Oddly enough, Goat Patch won't be a brewpub, but will have onsite food in the form of food trucks, which is definitely a departure from the Lincoln Center's original plans for a brewpub in the building.
Look for more in depth coverage next week!