Brew Love: 2016 Venetucci Pumpkin Ale
I feel like I'm going to end up writing a post similar to this one every year into the foreseeable future. If you've grown up, or even just lived in Colorado Springs for a while, you know the lore about Venetucci Farm. Nick and Bambi Venetucci were consummate philanthropists, giving away millions of pumpkins in thirty some odd years.Thanks to Bristol Brewing, you too can be a part of giving back to a farm that has given so much. It's pretty cool what the Community Ales program has become over the past 10 years. As a town, we here in Colorado Springs love our nonprofits, and Bristol's Community Ales allow us to drink beer while supporting any number of nonprofits.
Now, while many of the bigger brewery brands have been pumping out pumpkin spiced monstrosities for months, Bristol still does it the old fashioned way with actual pumpkins, harvested, gutted and roasted by volunteers. Did I mention that 100% of the proceeds go straight back to the farm? This is truly a cause to rally around.This year's Venetucci Pumpkin Ale is probably the best version that's come out of the new facility at Ivywild School. The spice is dialed back, but still balances out the malt and there's the perfect amount of pumpkin flavor wafting through every sip. I know, everyone's burned out on pumpkin beers, but make sure to grab a bottle or two at the release on Sunday. It's a very easy sipper. I hope we'll see you out at Bristol Brewing this Sunday at noon, Focus on the Beer will be teaming up with The Little London Show for a live podcast as well! If you're not in the Springs and want to see what's happening, we'll be on our YouTube channel broadcasting live!
Venetucci Pumpkin Ale Release Party | Oct. 30 @ 12pm
The Bristol Pub at the Ivywild School | 1604 S. Cascade AveThe Skinny: 2 4(!!!) bottles/person, draught pints available.