Fossil and Fieldhouse release two collaboration beers

Last Thursday, Fossil and Fieldhouse released two collaboration beers—an IPA and a sour IPA.Fossil was the first to dig into their kegs of the beer, putting both beers on tap on Thursday and Fieldhouse tapped theirs Friday.According to Travis Fields from Fieldhouse, the recipe came together between Fossil's Josh Mater and himself. In true collaboration form, Fossil supplied Pacific Gem hops while Fieldhouse supplied Amarillo, and Travis said they also decided to not use any crystal malts in the recipe. The only real difference between the two is the kettle souring.

Here's what to expect from the beers:

Sour IPA:With 110IBUs (calculated) and being a kettle sour, expect this one to really hit you in the teeth. After a few sips, you can easily feel the sour in the back of your mouth. Personally, I would have liked some more aroma and dry hops, but overall it's a solid beer. Travis told me that they had troubles elevating the hops over the intense sour.IPA:With Amarillo and Pacific Gem, I wish this beer were more citrus-forward, but it definitely is a straight-forward IPA. Don't expect haziness or juicy hops, but be ready for a nicely balanced beer.Both breweries will probably still have both beers on, so go grab a pint while you can. Cheers!


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