Here's the 2017 Firkin Beer List

Bristol's Firkin Rendezvous is coming up here in a little over a week, so I hope you've got your tickets. Click here if you don't.This year is the 13th annual Firkin Rendezvous, and due to their brew house adding more equipment—taking up more valuable space—Bristol decided to hold Firkin outside! Now, being that it is February and Colorado's weather is entirely unpredictable, they'll put up a tent and have propane heaters ready. Hope for good weather, or we may all be huddling under those heaters until the beer kicks in. In all reality, the beer is what makes firkin so enjoyable anyways.So why should you attend:

  1. There’s a ton of one-off beers you won’t find anywhere else. Serious about this one (see below)
  2. Free lunch. Who can complain about that? Also, get a VIP ticket to get in early.
  3. It benefits the Colorado Brewers Guild. No-brainer here.

Here's the list of beers that will be there, save for a few exceptions who haven't reported yet.[table id=9 /]

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


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