How to survive Firkin Rendezvous

Well the day has come.Bristol's 13th Annual Firkin Rendezvous is this afternoon! In preparation for the festivities, we've put together a little survival guide to help you make the most of your afternoon. Of course, if you don't have a ticket yet, get on that.

  1. Eat something. All levels of tickets include food at Firkin, but we've found in years past that it's easy to forget to eat when you're in the heat of the moment. There's plenty of time to try all the 42 firkins, so make sure you set aside time to put some food in your gullet.
  2. Try something new. There's 42+ options for beer this year, so if you see something that isn't on your normal radar, grab a sample—it might very well be your new favorite. Many—if not all—of the beers are one-offs that may never be made exactly the same again, so get some while you can.
  3. Enjoy yourself! It'll be a somewhat new-ish venue this year under the tent out front, so enjoy the extra space. And there's beer.

If you're like us and like to have a plan of action to start, there's some amazing beers that piqued our interest right off the bat. We got a look at the final list ahead of time and put together our first stops:Ska Brewing - Kettle soured Gose with tequila soaked cherries and orangesMockery Brewing - American Strong Ale with Coconut and Passion fruit aged on Cypress spirals.Cerberus Brewing - C.R.E.A.M (Creamsicle Double Dry Hopped Elysium IPA)Great Divide - Sexy Yeti, which is Yeti spiked with ancho chilis, vanilla and cinnamonTelluride Brewing - Double Mosaic Dry Hopped Russell KellyBristol Brewing - Clementine Sour IPAElevation Beer Company - Single Barrel Oil Man with Toasted CoconutOf course, these are just the things that caught our eye, so take a look at the list and maybe we'll run into you at Firkin this afternoon!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


2017 Firkin Rendezvous Photo Recap


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