A Day Later, The Fallout Continues For Wicked Weed

Yesterday was hard for a lot of people in the beer industry. To see a brewery like Wicked Weed, who constantly pushed boundaries with their brewing, get gobbled up by the main opponent of small independent brewers was a shock to the system. There is no doubt Wicked Weed's social media manager had to put their channels on mute with the flood of negative comments and messages, but even today, the fallout of their decision continues.Since the news broke yesterday morning, brewers have been cancelling plans to attend Wicked Weed's Funkatorium Invitational which is planned for July.With tickets set to go on sale this Saturday, it will be interesting how many brewers will follow suit.

Breweries who have rescinded their invitation:

Almanac BeerAllagash BrewingAnderson ValleyArizona Wilderness BrewingAvery BrewingBeachwood BBQBirds Fly South Ale ProjectBlack Project BrewingBreakside BrewingBrew By NumbersCaptain Lawrence BrewingCasa Agria Specialty AlesCascade BrewingCreature Comforts BeerCrooked Stave Artisan Beer Projectde Garde BrewingDry River BrewingEcliptic BrewingFunk Factory GeuzeriaFunkwerksFonta Flora BreweryGreen Bench BrewingGrimm Artisanal AlesHi-Wire BrewingHoly Mountain BrewingHaw River Farmhouse AlesJ. Wakefield BreweryJackie O’s Public House & BrewpubJester King BreweryJolly Pumpkin Artisan AlesNight Shift BrewingOdell BrewingOEC BrewingOther Half BrewingOxbowParadox Beer Co.Perennial Artisan AlesThe Rare BarrelSante AdairiusScratch BrewingSide ProjectSociete BrewingSpringdale BeerSteel String BreweryThe Commons BreweryThree Taverns BrewingTransmitter BrewingTrillium Brewing Co.Trinity BrewingTrophy BrewingTRVE BrewingUpland BrewingWeyerbacher BrewingWild Beer Co.Wooden Robot BreweryYazoo BrewingZebulon Artisan AlesUpdated May 9Credit to the folks at Tenemu who first put up an initial list before we could research this.As we learn more, we'll continue to update this list. Brewers, if you've made an announcement or can confirm you're attending or not, let us know!Photo courtesy of The Brewtography Project.


Podcast EP-044: Blindly Tasting through the Haze


The Fallout From the Wicked Weed Sale