Brewers Association Launches Campaign to "Buy Back" Big Beer

If the lack of big beer at GABF wasn't enough, today the Brewers Association has launched a pledge campaign to buy back Anheuser Busch.Now, before you read too much into the campaign, I'll let you know it's a total joke. They don't expect to reach their goal, and even admit that in the fine print. No credit card information is even collected.Here's their video, and if you know your Boulder-area breweries, you'll recognize the location of their filming. they hit publish five and a half months too early? I think so. Starting with the "dollar shave club-esque" video, the whole idea that the Brewers Association could somehow buy back craft breweries seems like an ill-advised April Fool's joke, but considering the BA sent out a press release and has obviously put time and money into this, they're quite serious about this not-so-serious campaign.Timing hasn't been the Brewers Association's strong suit lately—I thought the Independent Seal should have at least been mentioned at CBC or focus-group-ed. One would think they would announce this at their biggest event, GABF, where they could have made a huge deal about it, but nary a mention happened that I know of. I was on the fence about the upside-down bottle seal—I wholeheartedly support the thought behind it—but this #TakeCraftBack campaign just seems a little too far out in left field.So go ahead and pledge, but it will be interesting if they ever hit the $213 Billion goal.If you'd like to peruse their site, head to


Drink Local: Makin' Noise for Fossil's Third as Oskar Blues Opens


Our great big GABF experience: Part 1