Brewer's Republic is our craft beer community

The stories and people surrounding craft beer tend to take on even deeper meaning than the beer itself. Bad beer can ruin a night, but great beer enhances everything around it. Beer creates community.So, in the spirit of the Colorado Springs craft beer community, I'd like to welcome back Brewer's Republic. If you're strictly speaking, Brewer's never left until recently, but in the spirit of the craft beer scene here in Colorado Springs, we've been waiting for its true return for awhile. There were many of us who missed our community.If you've "grown up" in the craft beer culture here in Colorado Springs, you may have felt the magic Brewer's brought to our local scene too. Tonight was one of many re-opening nights, but what I saw tonight was a sense of energy, of enthusiasm, of excitement that doesn't normally show even with a new brewery opening these days. There was a sense of maturity—even calm—which made me almost miss it.Brewer's Republic has long been the center of the craft beer movement here in Colorado Springs, almost since they opened. From even before I knew about Focus on the Beer, Brewer's has been a proponent of the craft beer culture. I'm not alone either. Brewer's has been everyone's home away from home for years, and hopefully will regain that title. We've all met friends upon friends bellying up to that slate bar, or crowding around tables trying the next best kind of beer to hit Colorado Springs. The experiences we've shared at Brewer's have been magical, and hopefully that magic is on its way back.

Our local watering hole is back—our community is back.

As you step into Brewer's once again, you'll notice some slight changes—the natural table theme has been continued—but the bones remain intact. It's the same Brewer's we've grown to know and love. Yes, there will be a few Cerberus beers on tap at all times, but who can complain about skipping the rush at the brewery for a fresh pint of Elysium downtown?The food has been updated as well, with Cerberus Chef Mark LeFebvre naturally taking the reins in the kitchen and revamping things a bit. The Tom Tom pizza is still there for those wondering, but they're still tinkering with the pizza dough recipe. Also gone are the two beer menus where you had to crank your head in an unnatural way to read, in lieu of an easily readable screen right above the taps. No, it's not all Cerberus beer, but yes there are some Cerberus options on there.As a chalkboard on the wall reads "BR 2.0" it's really just Brewer's Republic 2.0.So, with this post, I'd like to raise a toast to all those who have helped fill a glass or drain a glass at Brewer's Republic, past, present and future. If I can speak for all of us here at Focus on the Beer, we're excited to see where the "new" Brewer's goes. Cheers!


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