Colorado Wins Big at World Beer Cup

We didn't make the journey out to Nashville this year for the Craft Brewers Conference, but that didn't stop us from rooting for our local breweries in the World Beer Cup! Just tonight, they announced this year's winners.This year, 28 Colorado breweries won medals at the the competition, with three coming from Colorado Springs! Cerberus Brewing won a Bronze for their NBD Kolsch, Cogstone won a Bronze for their Beet Cream Ale and Bristol brought home Silver for Beehive Wheat! We're also super pumped for Rockyard up in Castle Rock for winning Gold with their Primadonna Pilsner.Congratulations to all the breweries who placed this year!Here's the Colorado Breweries who won medals this year:[table id=23 /]Here's all the winners from the awards this year:[table id=22 /]Photos © Brewers Association


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