Welcome to Game of Breweries: The Beers

I just want to start this off by mentioning that I haven't seen any of the Game of Thrones episodes (I know...) so forgive my naivety on the subject.In honor of the final season of GoT, seven area breweries came together and selected different "Houses" and brewed a beer that reflects that house. So what do you need to know? To participate, grab a $10 map of Westeros at any participating brewery and start your journey through the "realm." Each holder of a Game of Breweries Map is entitled to a BOGO pint of the exclusive Game of Throne beers.When/If you complete your entire card, drop your card off at your "favorite house" to be entered to win from a prize drawing.All seven beers were tapped on April 1st and the Tour finishes on May 12. Prize drawing winners from each house will also be entered into a Seven Kingdoms raffle!Here are the beers available at each of the Houses:

House Stark: Elizabeth Brewing Co

Beer: Weirwood - Biere de Garde 

House Arryn: Peaks N Pines Brewing Co

Beer: Little Finger—Big Push Milk Stout

House Hoare: FH Beerworks Downtown (only)

Beer: Black of Hearts Gose with Black Lime & Black Sea Salt

House Lannister: Cerberus Brewing Co

Beer: Keep It In The Family Belgian Golden Strong brewed with Honey, Apples, Thyme, Cardamom, and Pink Peppercorns

House Gardener: Fossil Craft Beer Co

Beer: Hazy Single Malt Single Hop brewed with Colorado-grown malt and Mosaic Hops

House Durrandon: Brass Brewing Co

Beer: Elderberry Braggot brewed with Heather and 200 lbs. of locally sourced honey

House Martell: Florence Brewing Co

Beer: The Long Farewell Sour brewed with 42 lbs. of Peaches & 42 lbs. of Riesling Wine Juice.


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