CBC Recap: Craft Beer is Back

We had the opportunity to attend the Craft Brewers Conference last month and it was nice to be rubbing elbows with some of our favorite brewers from around the country once again.

Yes, it did seem like a lot of people came down with COVID post-conference, but overall it was a great time and we’re excited for Nashville next year. Here’s some of our big takeaways from the week:

Brewers are Burnt Out

If it weren’t already apparent, brewers and many involved in the craft beer industry are burnt out. The constant toll of our industry can have major negative effects on the individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Please thank your brewer friends and check in on them, even if it’s been too long.

Colorado Springs Keeps Winning at the World Beer Cup

Amidst all the great breweries putting out stellar beer, Colorado Springs breweries keep putting our town’s name into the conversation, deservedly so. Goat Patch brought home Silver this time around for their ultra-popular It Takes A Tribe red ale. Keep it up local brewers!

Onto the photos, in no particular order…


Are you going to the best beer festival in Colorado Springs?


It's National Beer Day, but why?