Beer Thoughts: Funkwerks Aurora

Beer thoughts:
Funkwerks Aurora is perhaps Funkwerks' most striking bottle in terms of aesthetics and will turn the head of any person, giving them a 'What are you about to open' look on their face. It is a Belgian Style Ale, pouring golden orange with a beautiful long lasting lacing and head. The combination of yeasts specially highlight the fruitier flavors of the single hop, Styrian Aurora hops. The aroma is of grassiness and really juicy fruits like apricots and peaches. The taste is very similar, lots of peach, exotic fruits, some grassiness, and a hint of spice. The beer is sweet in a fruity way, not really in a malty way. The beer is beautiful, I wish we could have this regularly at our pubs.

Our recommendation: 
High Recommendation

How to drink it: 
It's 7.5% so it can sneak up on you. I drank the whole bottle by myself, over an hour or two, although your friends may want some. Pour in a tulip glass.

Where it's from: 
Funkwerks in Ft. Collins, CO

I paid full price for this beer

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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