Beer Drinker of the Week #05

Beer Drinker of the Week is a segment that will serve as a way to show off all that delicious beer you've been drinking, or just simply show us what beers you enjoy on a normal basis. This series allows you to present your beer in an artistic environment, tell us what you think about the beers you're trying, what beer is in your fridge regularly, or tell a story about how you acquired a hard to find beer. You and your beers are the focus here.

Beer Drinker of the Week #5: Matt Kupferer

The Beers:Shiner Kosmos, Belhaven Wee Heavy, Rogue Irish Style Lager, Shiner Black Lager, Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale, Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Victory Prima Pils, Uinta Cockeyed Cooper, Jolly Pumpkin Bam Noire, Unibroue Grande Reserve 17, Oskar Blues Deviant Dales, Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Dark. Missing In Action: Alaskan Birch Bock, Shiner Ryes and Shine Rye Lager, Shiner Bock, Shiner Hefe, Shiner BlondeFrom Matt:It's not like I ever need a reason to drink beer, but when I got the chance to participate in this Focus on the Beer segment, I felt all my years of training had finally amounted to something. To prepare myself for this task, I just poured another Rogue Dead Guy - it's a great go-to beer that has a tangy maltiness and not a real high hop profile, just a hint of grassiness. I love it.I had wanted to plan out my beer drinking a bit better than I did, but as always I just went with it. From looking in my fridge at the beginning of the weekend, I thought there would be a lot of barley wines on the list since that was all I was seeing in there, but I managed some variety after all, due in part to good friends contributing to Friday night happy hour at Alaska Matt's.I've been really into barley wines over the winter, and I've still got a lot more in my fridge that I need to break open. The couple I got to this week (generally the bombers require the help of friends - it just ain't the same drinking the good stuff alone.) were the Cockeyed Cooper and the Bigfoot. Both great brews, but the Cockeyed Cooper was bourbon barrel aged. Great flavor, and I like barrel aged brews, but only on occasion. I really liked the Bigfoot, but it was hoppier than I prefer my barley wines to be (but not by much!) Bam Noire and Grande Reserve 17 were both dark belgian/farmhouse ales and were part of the Friday night happy hour. To be honest, by the time we got to these, I was a little too tipsy to really give them a good review, but I did enjoy them, and they were quite different beers.There are a lot of Shiner beers on the list - I really dig Shiner, and their Bock is one of my favorites. I grab their mixed 12 packs, and then get to enjoy stuff like the Kosmos reserve and the Ryes and Shine - that one is really great, has a nice rye flavor. I gotta say though, out of all these beers, my favorite was either the Dead Guy or Shiner Bock, since I can just keep drinking those. But that doesn't stop my search for new and exciting brews.

How Do I Become a Part of This?

If you are interested in being our Beer Drinker Of The Week please e-mail us at You can propose to us which week you'd like to take, or we can pick the week for you and send you information and some basic directions. We'll try to post every Thursday (or so) the beers that one reader drank the previous week. We try to focus on the Colorado Springs drinkers but may be willing to expand, so email us!

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Beer Happenings This Weekend (starting 4/13/2012)


Four New Beers From Bristol!