6th Edition Colorado Beer Map - Better Than Ever

This morning in the mail I received a complimentary 6th Edition Colorado Beer Map from the Beer Drinker's Guide to Colorado. I just opened it up to have a look and decided that it would be worth mentioning to you all because it's actually really cool, and I think many people would find it very handy. It looks like Fermentedly Challenged gave it a really good review. I would like to add my 2 cents as well.

Basically, this thing is going to hang out in my glovebox, and we'll use it when we want a little roadtrip adventure, or when we're feeling like visiting a brewery while we're already on the road. It's pretty easy to open up the map, find your location and then look for the nearest brewery. There are 168 breweries on the map. I see TRVE brewing on here, but they don't open for another couple weeks, so I'm glad that they decided to add a few soon-to-open breweries. Without that, the map could easily be out-of-date by mid-summer.

They've also mapped out all the 14'ers, National Parks, and ski resorts, so that's awesome to quickly see what's around. On the back side there's a list of a large handful of beer geek type pubs, although there are a few missing, you would still have plenty to work with. There's also more detailed information about the breweries, a detail-map with approximate driving times, and a list of breweries set to open by the end of the year that aren't on the map. Seriously, it's going to come in handy for us.

The map-kit retails at $14.95 and also comes with a booklet of 44 coupons. If you plan to go out a few times, this map would come in handy. My assumption is that most people are excited about the coupons. For me, the map itself is a solid companion, and is easily worth the price itself.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Front Range Beer Trip Day 01: "The Rest of the Day"


Beer Happenings the Next 2 Weeks in the Area