Waldo Canyon Fire

I wanted to say a few quick things about the Waldo Canyon Fire and how it will affect what we do here in the next couple weeks. As I write this, almost the entire west side of Colorado Springs, north of Fillmore is on mandatory evacuation. I just watched video on KKTV, and they showed houses on fire on a hill that happened to be just a ways behind Trinity Brewing. In fact, you could see Trinity in the frame, with the houses behind it in the hills. The situation is absolutely horrifying, it's making me sick to my stomach. We have many friends that have evacuated, and a few that have probably lost their houses tonight. The whole thing is surreal.

In light of the fire, talking about beer seems pretty irrelevant. However, with that said, early this week I had already written some posts and have them scheduled to post throughout the week. The reason for this is because I've been planning to visit family, out-of-state, starting tomorrow. I'm going to keep posting as well, as information comes in, and I'm going to post about my travels as well. But I wanted you to know how I feel, and I want you to know that this is not passing over any one of us, it is heavy on us. If you want to read, I will still post when possible.

If you're even still reading the blog during this disaster, it is very likely that many of the events that I've mentioned on the blog will be canceled so take some of the updates with a grain of salt and check into things yourself as well.

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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