Paradox - New Brewery to Open in Woodland Park

We are excited to report that there will be a new brewery in Woodland Park called Paradox Beer Company, a brewery that will specialize in barrel aged beers. The brewers are not new to the area by any means, Jeff Aragon and Brian Horton are the former brewers for both BierWerks and Trinidad Brewing Company. Their business, Independent Brewing Consultants, have been contracted by Paradox to make the beer.

Jeff Aragon with his square fermenters.

A 'Fermentation Project' is one way to describe their process, according to Jeff. Paradox currently is outsourcing wort that is made at Pikes Peak Brewery in Monument, CO. The wort is then transported to their storage facility in Woodland park for fermenting and aging. They will be splitting the wort into separate fermentation vessels and adding different varieties of hops and yeast. Paradox will be using mostly their unique square 10 barrel fermenters. The square design is supposed to accentuate yeast esters during fermentation. Some beer will be directly added to barrels for fermenting and aging. All the beers will eventually be barrel aged and they plan to bottle-condition all their beers, mostly in 750ml bottles. So at the end of one of their fermentation projects, there will be different varieties of bottled beer that all started with the same wort. Pretty exciting stuff! Jeff said that they will be making mostly American experimental styles, and a lot will have a Belgian-influenced twist. They are also working on a sour project. Paradox has also been working closely with Woodland Park's Brewing Science Institute (BSI) on the use of different yeast strains for their projects.

There is no specific date on when we will be seeing bottles in our area, but they are hoping for mid-August, 2012. That's soon! They hope to debut their beer at Manitou Springs Craft Lager Festival on August 4th and they are planning to distribute to Colorado Springs and Denver as well as other nearby cities. Paradox is planning to have a retail area in Woodland Park for bottle pick ups and sampling, and there is talk of having a tap room in the future.

Jeff Aragon has invited us to sample some of their beer in a couple weeks so we will hopefully have more news, and some answered questions, on this exciting new brewing company soon. One things for sure, Paradox sounds like a promising experimental brewery that should make a nice addition to the area. Stay tuned!

Paradox Beer Company
Paradox on Facebook
106 E. Village Terrace Ste. 100 / Woodland Park, CO

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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