Ivywild Grand Opening!!!

The much anticipated grand opening of Ivywild is upon us! We have been visiting the Bristol taproom at Ivywild, We've seen soft openings, we were able to do some sneak peek photography right before Bristol started brewing in the space, we've been drinking coffee at The Principals Office. Everyone that we know gives Ivywild rave reviews and we believe the space is one of the most innovative community drinking spots that we've seen. If you haven't been there yet, this weekend will be a great opportunity to check it out.

There are a series of events planned for the building that will feature the various businesses that make up Ivywild. Many of the events are related to Bristol and are included below. Because of the magnitude of this opening, we've chosen to include all the events, even the non-beer related events.

Ivywild Grand Opening

FRIDAY, August 16
12:00 PM
MM Local will be offering samples and taking CSA registrations, at Hunt or Gather (12-5 pm)

2:30 PM
Palmer High School Marching Band

3 PM
24-Foot Sausage Cutting & Beer Christening ceremony begins

4 PM
Bob Tudor’s One Man Band on the Bristol Pub patio

Cake, Coffee, and Brazilian Martial Arts in the Gym

5 PM
- Wit Release Party at the Bristol Pub
- Cookie decorating at Old School Bakery

6 PM

- Fennell Group Open House (6-7 pm)

- Corn hole tournament, “Team Bristol Challenge,” on the Bristol Pub patio (6-8 pm)

8 PM
- Surf Rock Band, Code Name: Carter, in the Teacher’s Lounge (8-10 pm)
- Drink Special at the Principal’s Office - Fresh Paddle for $5; kegged cocktail tapping

Be sure to check out our current art exhibition "REVAMP'D", featuring fifteen Colorado artists working with repurposed materials!

SATURDAY, August 17
10 AM
- Brunch with the Partners in the Wildcat Room. Call (719) 368-6126 (Limited to 30 seats, $25/person, reservations required)
- Enjoy an intimate Q&A brunch with the founders of Ivywild School. Menu: house-cured Canadian bacon and cheese strata paired with Bristol’s Wit beer, assorted pastries, coffee

11 AM
Dougherty High School Drum Line, in front of the school

12 PM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM
Guided tours of the school--meet on the front steps

12 PM
- Fennell Group Open House (12-3 pm)
- Colorado Springs Urban Homesteaders selling produce, at Hunt or Gather (12-5 pm)

3 PM
- Live music from Ark Life, on the Principal’s Office patio
- Happy Hour with the Bristols (3-5 pm) in the Wildcat Room; Hang out with Mike and Amanda Bristol and enjoy $2 Mass Transits (3-4 pm)

5 PM
- Cheyenne Canon Ale Release Party on the Bristol Pub patio
- Gold panning, giveaways, gear demonstrations

6 PM
- Open House in the Brewhouse (6-7:30 pm)
- Celebrate Bristol’s new fermentation room and brewhouse with live reggae by Small Axe featuring Jimi Dixon, and La’au’s burritos

- Back To School Dance Party with DJ Wesley Wayne, in the Gym (co-sponsored by The Independent). Dress in your favorite John Hughes movie attire from the 80s!

- Bike Valet provided by Upadowna all day in front of the school
- Be sure to check out our current art exhibition "REVAMP'D", featuring fifteen Colorado artists working with repurposed materials!

Ivywild is located at 1604 S. Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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