More Reasons Why Brewer's Republic is Kicking Ass

From @brewersrepublic on Instagram

Brewer's Republic just celebrated their third anniversary. A fair amount has changed at the bar in those three years, but at the same time, not a whole lot has changed. They're still the same great bar for drinking great beer and meeting friends.

Over the weekend this downtown Colorado Springs bar revealed a couple things that will certainly cement them as a craft beer destination for people all over the state of Colorado. For starters, Brewer's Republic has now opened 8 additional taplines, bringing their beer list to a whopping 20 taps. Twelve taps were certainly a good amount for bringing an excellent selection to the city, and for surprising the beer geeks with a good assortment of craft beer. Below, Josh answers some questions about what these extra eight taps will do for the bar.

Additionally Brewer's Republic is one of the first recipients of beers from the brand-new distribution company called Crooked Stave Artisans. The company is a subsidiary of Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project and is in the business of distributing boutique Belgian and Belgian-style beers from around the map back to the Front Range. It's a pretty amazing sounding company.

The first beers will be delivered this week and will be available at Brewer's Republic Friday, Sept. 6 for a very special event. The beers include: Stillwater Artisinal Ales: Stateside Saison, Existent, Cellar Door, As Follows; Evil Twin Brewing from Denmark: Yin, Yang, Ryan and the Beaster Bunny, Molotov Cocktail, Low Life, and Lil B; and there will be one case of Tilquin Questche-Plum Lambic. That should be killer.

We caught up with BR General Manager, Josh Adamski, and asked him what some of these new changes mean for the bar. It's pretty exciting to hear how the changes affect the bar and what they are making room for. Check it out:

What are some of the details on the expanded tap system, and what does it allow you to do at the bar?

We installed a new Micromatic tap system last week [see picture above]. We now have a total of 20 beers on draft, and we carry a variety of beers both from Colorado and from other great breweries around the country. Eventually, the plans are to have one or two Belgian beers on tap, but for now we are just getting use to the new system.

We have tons of space behind the bar now. In the very near future we will be moving bar supplies, sinks and counters, out into the front space where the old kegerators are now, so that we can always be in front of the customers. We are installing shelves under the tap system for glassware storage, which will allow us to be able to serve beers in five different glass types. We were pretty limited in space before so we were never able to have more than two or maybe three types of glasses. It will be nice to serve sours, or saisons, or barrel aged beers in the correct glassware. Yes, this might agitate some of our regular customers since they are pretty use to our 1/2 pint and pint choices, but I think it's more responsible of us to serve a beer like Firestone Walker's Parabola in a nice nine ounce snifter and Russian River's Sanctification in a nice tulip glass. I think most customers will appreciate it.

You were once a taphouse with only Colorado beer, and recently started serving a tourist tap, do you plan to operate the same way with all your new taps?

Well we have been bringing in out-of-state breweries/beers for a couple of months now. We are no longer just a Colorado tap bar. Of course we still concentrate on showcasing any Colorado brewery. Take for instance, two weeks ago, Dry Dock began distributing beers to the Springs. We were approached about doing a tap takeover and of course we agreed to that. We realize our customer base are very loyal to Colorado and we also know that Brewer's began as a Colorado tap house. I don't want to mess with that too much. I just want to bring in great beers that I think people will enjoy or should try. And so far the response has been great.

For the Crooked Stave Artisans distribution, how did the opportunity come up for you?

We were very lucky early on to become friends with Crooked Stave. This is back when they were just getting started at Funkwerks. I believe we were one of the first bars to carry Crooked Stave beers in the Springs. And ever since then we have been very supportive of what they are doing and they have rewarded us. A few months ago we did a tap takeover with Crooked Stave, with six of their beers in all, and we had a very big turnout. I think that night kind of cemented our relationship with them. After that Kyle, Crooked Stave's Sales and Distribution guru, would come down every two weeks with new kegs, and sometimes bottles of whatever was ready. I would trust him to bring down whatever they had and we were always happy to have it on tap.

Do you know what kinds of beers to expect in the future? Any beers you believe you might be able to see at BR because of this new distribution? 

I expect to have some great Belgian beers, hopefully more sours, available to us. I've seen that beers from Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands will be available. Of course I am always open to doing special tappings or having a crazy rare beer in the cooler. But ultimately I think that this new distribution will help bring those rare or exciting beers down to the Springs where I know plenty of beer geeks will enjoy them.

I know for Friday, September 6th we will have 10 beers in total on tap. We will have six beers from Evil Twin and four beers from Stillwater. We will also have a six-bottle case of Tilquin Questche Plum Lambic, which I was told only 4 cases came to Colorado. So we will definitely have some great beer on tap! 

Join Brewer's Republic this Friday, September 6th to check out their new 20-draft tap system and try some super awesome beer that is new to Colorado. Cheers!

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Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


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