Crafters' Festival: Photo Recap

The inaugural Colorado Springs Craft Week Crafters' Festival happened last night and what a great event it was! Bringing together distilleries, coffee roasters and breweries all under one roof truly proved to be an excellent choice. As the culminating event of Craft Week, many may ask what we can expect from next year, but we all know it will be as wonderful as this past week has been. My favorite collaborative product at the event had to have been the blonde ale featuring Fossil Brewing, Lofty Brewing and local chocolate wizards Radiantly Raw. I heard comments in the same vein as "tastes like YooHoo in a beer" and "it's the most delicious thing here" over and over. Great job to everyone involved! Here's some of Daniel Flanders' photos from the night. The weather was perfect, and the sold-out event went off without much of any issue! 10014786_10101463353649681_3222117478519093518_o 775777_10101463353455071_1381521895290160736_o 1795311_10101463353400181_8606090301844581908_o 10338391_10101463353285411_6539814292758000965_o 10264067_10101463353000981_7861464196107844274_o 1801308_10101463352941101_1019755753847557751_o 10255332_10101463352906171_6466200630752465853_o 10256275_10101463352746491_4845288625214687919_o


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