A Family Affair: Fieldhouse Brewing's Grand Opening

It's definitely a family affair at Fieldhouse Brewing Company. I attended their Grand Opening on Saturday, June 28th and couldn't help but notice the multiple generations in attendance. Travis and Niki, with the help of a ton of friends, kept the beers flowing all day and into the night. Congrats to them both for a wonderful day! It's going to be exciting to see what the future has in store.Here's some photos from the Grand Opening.Right across from McCabe's Tavern, Fieldhouse's fermenters are shown proudly in the windows.Samples were flowing, and it seemed like every table had at least one of Fieldhouse's very cool sample holders.Might have caught Travis off guard in this one, but he and Niki were bounding with energy helping to get everyone a taste.Fieldhouse launched with 4, but Travis wants to have 6 on tap soon, with seasonals and a non-alcoholic root beer rounding out their 10 taps.Fieldhouse-0596From the left: Gluten Free Paralysis by Analysis, Paralysis by Analysis, Fist Pump, and Sticky Paws (our favorite)This was the scene for most of the 4 hours we were there.Fieldhouse-0589Even Kevin, proprietor of Potato Potato, snuck in from their sunny spot out back to enjoy the music and beer.Three sets of boots. It's a family affair at Fieldhouse Brewing.Does it get any better than belgian frites and beer?Fieldhouse-0581


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