Fifty Percent More Faith: Clips Photo Recap

Wow! New Belgium Brewing's Clips Beer and Film Festival was such a success this year once again! I decided, like last year, to volunteer with the beer pouring crew to help out. I ended up in the Sour booth, where I thought things would be all relaxed with the majority of the beers being poured at the main booth down the line. I have never been more wrong.

As soon as the line for the main beer tent filled up, people soon realized that they could get 12oz pours of Yuzu Berlinerweiss and La Folie from me with nary a line to be first. After word got out, I had a steady line of 50-100 people! I can't thank the Clips staff for doing a wonderful job and making everything seamless. Lots of familiar faces came through the line including Travis and Niki Fields from Fieldhouse Brewing, who were able to leave their brand-new brewery for a little bit to check out the festival (More about them here.), but introducing some tart beer options to the unfamiliar attendees definitely ended up being the most rewarding. Reactions were varied, from people double fisting big pours of La Folie, to people only drinking Snapshot after "the enamel was stripped from their teeth" by La Folie.

When it was all said and done, we went through 2 full sixth-barrels of La Folie and Yuzu, as well as one of Snapshot Wheat and one of 1554(which is very close to the base beer for La Folie if you didn't already know that). It was an amazing evening with close to 50% more people there than last year, which brought in even more donations for UpaDowna and Medicine Wheel. I look forward to the festival next year, but I may be on the spectator side of things that time around...we'll see.

Some photos from when I wasn't filling cups with sour beer ad nauseam:





NewBelgiumClips-0725NewBelgiumClips-0766For more info on Clips, or to see where they're headed next click here.


Hops for Heroes


The Wild Goose goes Red (Leg)